Friday, January 28, 2011

Setup Accounts in Outlook Express



Here is a way to setup an email account in Outlook Express

with tapped paid webhosting with domain names that we have


1. Start Oulook Express select the Tools menu> Accounts Internet Accounts dialog box appears. On the Mail tab select the Add option.

2. Through the Internet Connection Wizard. You start by entering your name. Click Next

3. Enter our email address complete with domain name eg Click Next

4. In the Incoming mail for Outgoing mail type type also

5. Type the account name eg ( and password as we have made on web hosting Click Next

6. Will form an Internet Account with name as the default mail account. Double click to view

Network Properties. Select the General tab and change its name to


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Protect your folders with password using Javascript

Here is how to secure a folder with a password giving in the folder with javascript tapped on windows.

1. Open Windows Explorer press the Start button -> All Programs -> My Computer
2. Move your mouse pointer over a folder to view filefile in it.
3. Then press the View button in Windows Explorer, followed by select "Customizethis Folder"
4. Select "EDIT OR CREATE AN HTML DOCUMENT" In the dialog box "Customizethis Folder" radio button in front of the check option "Create or edit an HTMLdocument" make sure elected. yes, click the Next button
5. For Windows responds with a request to enter a password, must insert the scriptbelow. For that, you scroll down to Notepad in writing <script language="JavaScript">.
As for the script to request a password:

var pass = prompt ("Enter Your Code
Access or Get out ")
if (pass! = "Enter Your Password Here")
{window.location = "C:"}

6. Just paste the script below to change the writing <script language="JavaScript">
"Enter Your Password Here" with the password option. After that save the data by choosing File -> Save
Furthermore, please close your Notepad.

7. Back to the menu "Customize this Folder," click Finish

8. To test this, try clicking the folder that has been customized. If successful, will beasked to enter a password to be able to view the files in the folder.

reference neotek

Delete files permanently on the windows

How to delete files belonging to a secret so as not to be returned
perfect in order to maintain security for the file can not be read by people who do not
responsible? Application using the File Shredder to delete files so that non-refundable

1. Download the application from
2. Run the File Shredder Highlight the target file in your folder and do the "drag anddrop" file to enter a list of File Shredder or can also use right click mouse on the target file so it appears the pop-up menu.
Then select the Send to menu and menu File Shredder.
3. After Shredder File menu is selected, a confirmation dialog box will appear and alsowarning that the file
it will not be restored perfectly. Just press the Yes button to continue the process.
4. Please you are trying to target the recovered files have been deleted earlier, andcompare the results of recovery with the original files before being deleted.

reference neotek

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Resource Hacker to reverse engineering software

Resource Hacker, a reverse engineering software that works to change the overallappearance of a software program that works to edit the executable files that have a.exe and. etc. As with experimental material we try to change the display languagemirc.exe software already installed on our Windows computers :
1. Downlod the application of
2. Run Resource Hacker and then you open the target application files ----> open ->mirc.exe
3. We will be confronted by two windows on the left we can see the folder tree,
4. Then navigate to the folder menu -> 60
5. In the right window we can see the contents of the file ririskiky hexa decimal youcan change who speak English "file menu" with the language you want
eg just "manage files"
6. After that compile the changes we have done.
7. Run the application mirc.exe edits to see the changes we have done.

Changing icon software,
1. Run Resource Hacker and then you open the target file -> open -> mirc.exe
2. Open the folder bitmap that will be replaced right click select the option replaceicon
3. Then select a subfolder right click again and select replace resource.
4. Change the image that we want
5. Compile the changes we have done
6. Run the application mirc.exe edits to see the changes we have done

source neotek

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

PHP cross-platform on linux and windows

A CMS or Content Management System commonly used on web sites which can represent various categories in accordance with that required to make portal, making the shopping stores to create a bulletin board onlien. CMS established a scripting language PHP together with MySQL Database combination of both to create a CMS that cangih and flexible as it is supported by PHP which is cross-platforms can be operated in linux and windows

reference neotek


Monday, January 24, 2011

An error occurred debian squeeze on youtube

I just installed debian squeeze problem I faced was
can not play videos on youtube, and solutions that I found at google
is to upgrade the latest flash player browser.

1. Open a terminal
2. login as root
3. # aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree

The above command will upgrade the version of flash us so that we can return
play video on youtube: D

Nmap for windows 9x

If in linux more We Can Easily learn the hacking and security this case Because of the many possible tools at truly reliable scaning complete. This certainly makes windows users disheartened to learn hacking using windows OS and make Them jealous, and is now available scanning tool nmap with excess GUI has the look of course this Gives the user more tools on windows, except That there areadditional tabs with the name win32 That cans ethernet card show what is available onwindows

reference neotek

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Recover deleted files with FILE RECOVERY

Some people who work with either Windows or Linux computers generally
made a mistake by deleting the file, this time we try the language of how to
restore files accidentally deleted with the help of software FileRecovery for windows

1. Download the application from the menu donwload
2. Run the application filerecovery.exe File -> Open Drive, select the target drive will bescanned
3. In section specify scanning options, select the specified existing search directory,press the browse button and select the folder, then ok
4. Leave the other options continue with Ok, to start scanning.
5. Select the files you want restored, the file -> undelete.

reference neotek

Bypass root password linux centos

Forgot root password? or want to restore the root password on linux?
without the necessary tools or baypass recovery with live cd, want to know the solutionis easy?

1. Rebooting linux CentOS.
2. Entrance into the grub selection.
3. Press e at grub CentOS
4. Select the kernel on the second row
5. Press e again
6. Enter a space and the number one "1 " without quotes
7. Press enter
8. Then press b to boot with a kernel that we have to edit on the 6 th stage

Further you can, change your root password with the command
# passwd
after that please reboot again and login with the new password.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Configure your resolution in Debian

Unable to change screen resolution. When installed, and did not choose the properresolution, a temporary solution that can be used is to press Ctrl + Alt + arows (+,-) onthe keypad, to change the resolution, at a resolution requesting the required debian. Another solution is to re-setting our graphics card, assuming you are using nvidia.

do something like this:

# apt-cache search nvidia | grep 2.6.26

# apt-get install nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-2-686

# apt-cache search nvidia # apt-get install nvidia-glx

# apt-get install nvidia-settings {, kernel-common}

# sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig

# nvidia-xconfig <- This command automatically monitors the configuration of thegraphics we have.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Joomla Warning! failed to move file

Solution to Error "Warning! Failed to move file "when we want to install componnet / module / plugin at Joomla cms:

This is because there are errors in your configuration settings Please check your configuration.php file (located in the Root folder)

and make sure no mistakes in the username and your domain name in the path $ log_path and $ tmp_path

Because if it is not even a folder in our control panel is already set to 775 it will still be stated that the folder you unwritabel.

Please try.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

bad application camera n900

Hasil jepretan pada n900 itu jelek dan hasilnya memang jelek dengan camera standart mau tau penyebabnya? dari garis biru dipinggir lensa yang ada dicover :najis beberapa orang diluar sudah komplen ke nokia tapi mereka beralibi karena kotor pada bagian lensanya jadi masalah ini tidak dapat difix baik dari sisi sofware atau lainnya.

beberapa dari orang luar coba mengurangi "kabut" yang dihasilkan saat foto pada cahaya yang minim dengan menutup baris biru dengan spidol atau cat kuku hitam dan memang hasilnya cukup membantu kabut yang dikeluhkan sudah hilang.
tapi jgn agan2 spidol item lempengan yang berwarna crome karena itu pada beberapa saat membantu pencahayan dalam pengambilan gambar.

diatas sediki info yang aye baca pada forum luar negeri namun aye pikir2 disaner n900 gak bego2 banget bikin baris biru dipinggir cover lensa, karena untuk pengambilan gambar yang belatar biru hasinya cukup bagus, yang jadi pertanyan sekarang bener gak sih penyebabnya garis biru? atau dari aplikasi cameranya?

ahkirnya tadi aye coba melakukan percoban dengan aplikasi luar yaitu blesh n900
tanpa spidol garis biru (takut gak bisa dihapus :D) jepretan pertama muncul kabut biru tipis dikanan atas foto hasil kedua dengan blesh n900 kabut biru ilang dan hasil jepretan jauh lebih tajam (size foto jadi 3.9Mb :najis )

point dari analisa newbie adalah hasil jepretan yang buruk pada n900 disebabkan karena aplikasi camera standar yang dibuat n900 kurang optimal dimana iso max hanya 400 saja, yang harusnya dapat ditingkatkan sampai 3200 isonya walapun ukuran file jadi besar dan pengaturan cahaya flash yang kurang optimal juga menyebakan kabut biru tipis yang dihasilakn dari pantulan garis biru didekat cover lensa. mudah2an firmware berikutnya dapat diperhatikan oleh nokia untuk mengoptimalkan aplikasi camera standart ini.

ref dari beberapa sumber.

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